How do I connect Salesforce?

Learn how to connect your Model Match account to Salesforce to update and sync your existing records from Model Match.

What's in this article? 

1. Connecting Model Match to Salesforce

2. How to send contacts from Model Match to Salesforce

    a. From a Pipeline 

    b. From Pulse AI


🛑 Check your Permissions to ensure you can connect Model Match to Salesforce!

✅ You will need to ensure that you have the necessary permissions on your Salesforce account to connect third-party applications. 

✅ Permissions to create customized contact fields 

✅ Ability to control which contacts fields are visible on your contact list

If you're unsure how to check these permissions on your Salesforce account, we recommend contacting your Salesforce administrator for assistance or check out this article on the Salesforce Knowledge Base

Connecting Model Match to Salesforce

To connect Salesforce to Model Match, let's navigate to the Integrations page on your Model Match account. 

1. Click "Salesforce" from the list of available integrations. 


2. Now let's click "Authorize Salesforce


3. When prompted enter your Salesforce credentials in the provided fields and login. You will be redirected back to Model Match. 

You're now connected to Salesforce! Let's take a look at how we can start sending contacts from Model Match to your Salesforce account. 

Sending contacts from Model Match to Salesforce

From a Pipeline

1. Let's open a pipeline on the account to access a list of contacts. 


2. Choose the contacts you want to send to your Salesforce account using the checkboxes next to their name. on the contact list. 

💡Did you know? You can easily select multiple pages of contacts in Model Match. To do this, simply use the checkbox at the top of the contact list to select an entire page of contacts. If there are more pages of contacts, you can click on the "Next" button located at the bottom of the contact list to move to the next page and continue selecting contacts.


3. Now that you have contacts selected scroll to the bottom of the contact list and click "Send to" from the action bar. Select "Salesforce" from the menu of options. 


Additionally, you can send single contacts to Salesforce by clicking the Salesforce icon on their contact profile. 


From a Pulse AI

1. Let's open our Pulse AI report

2. Click the "Send" icon next to the Agent we wish to send to our Salesforce account and select "Salesforce" from the menu of options. 

🛑 We thought you should know that sending contacts to an integration from Pulse AI will not add them to a Pipeline as well. If you wish to also add a contact to a Pipeline on your Model Match account from Pulse AI, select "Add to Pipeline" from the menu of options.