How do I create a Note?

Use notes to share valuable information with your team!

Notes in Pipelines 

1. First navigate inside a Pipeline that you would like to work within. Once the Pipeline is selected all the information regarding the pipeline will populate on your screen. 

2. From here select the text box at the top of your screen. Here is where you will type your note. Once the note is complete press the "Add Note" button to the right of the text box. 

3. Once the note is added you will now be able to see it under your History tab. 

Notes in a Contact Profile

1. First, navigate inside a Contact Profile that you would like to work within. Once the specific contact is selected all the information regarding the contact will populate on your screen.

2. From here select the text box in the middle of the contact profile. Here is where you will type your note. Once the note is complete press the "Add Note" button to the right of the text box. 

3. Once the note is added you will now be able to see it under your History tab.

Public and Private Notes

Requisitions are a fantastic way to drive collaboration with your team. View contacts, notes, To-Do's and all history to drive efficiency and collaboration with your team but what if you're working outside of a Pipeline? Public notes allow you to quickly add information to any contact and have that note shown to other users on your team who have access. 


Pro-Tip: The Note Type toggle is only available on Contact records outside of a Pipeline. All notes left within a Pipeline are shared with any user who has access to the Pipeline. 

Adding a Public Note

The Note Type toggle allows you to select whether the note you're about to leave a Public note or a Private Note. Public notes are indicated by a yellow outline in the text field. 

The toggle is set to Public by default. An indicator within the text field will make you aware of who will have access to the note. All public notes will be visible to team members who have access to the contact.

Private Notes

Private notes will only be visible to the user who adds to the note even if other team members have access to the contact. This is a great way to add small notes that you can reference in the future that do not necessarily need to be visible to everyone on the team - like a reminder to yourself.