How do I log an activity?

Learn how you can record activities such as meetings, phone calls, text messages, and To-Do's that you've accomplished outside of Model Match

💡 Logging activities require access to the CRM which is available on the Plus and Premium plans. If you're unsure if you have access to the CRM you may contact your account admin or contact us at

How to log an activity

1. With a contact profile in a Pipeline open click on the History tab.



2. Click the Log Activity button on the upper left of the History table



3. Using the list of options select which activity you wish to log on this contact profile. 



🧠 Manually logged activities are recorded in the history table based on the date you select for each item. Manually logged activities will show as "Activity Logged" on the History table and are accurately reflected in the appropriate reports on the Reporting dashboard


4. Complete the fields provided in the activity popup for the activity that you've selected. 


You're all set! You've manually logged an activity on a contact profile!