Viewing Loan Officer and Agent Transaction Details

This article will walk you through how to view Agent and Loan Officer Transaction details on Volume Reports in Market Insights

Viewing Agent and Loan Officer Transaction Details

You can view transaction details on both Loan Officer and Agent Volume reports. The transaction detail table will show all available transactions during the date range that is selected. 

1. Filtering the Transaction Details table 

2. Searching the Transaction Details table

3. Controlling the Date Range

4. Viewing Transaction Details


How do I filter the Transaction Details table

To filter the Transaction Details table simply right click on the column over the item you wish to filter by and select "Filter by..." to add the filter to the table. 

For instance, let's take a look at how we can filter by "Title Company" to view all transactions that display that Title company. 

1. Hover over the Title Company that is located under the Title Company column that you want to filter. Right click and select "Filter by Title Company". 



2. Additionally, we may want to filter by City to view all transactions within a specific city. 



How do I search the Transaction Details table

You can search the Transaction Details table using the Search bar located at the top of the table.

For instance, we may want to search for all transactions with a specific Title company. We can type in the Title company to search bar to view those transactions. 


💡You should know that the Search field will search for all matches items across multiple columns. We recommend being as specific as possible to increase your chances of a matching results. 

Controlling the date range of the transaction table

The date range you have selected on the volume report of a Loan Originator or Agent will also apply to the Transaction Details table. 

You can change the Date Range and view the transactions within that Date Range by using the "Select Date Range" button at the top of the volume report. 


Viewing Property & Transaction Details

You can view the transaction details by using the Open Property button next to each transaction on the table. 
