Volume Report Overview

Volume Reports provide you with various views into a Company, Branch, Real Estate Agent or Loan Originator's business.


Volume Reports provide you with various views into a Mortgage Company, Branch, Real Estate or Loan Originator's business. Volume Reports are available in multiple areas of Model Match including Market Insights and Contact Profiles within Pipelines. 

Depending on whether you're viewing a Mortgage Company, Branch, Real Estate Agent or Loan Originator, you'll have different options into different metrics and attributes. 

💡 At this time, the Volume Reports shown below are currently only available in Market Insights. If viewing a contact within a Pipeline you will be viewing the previous volume reports. Updates to Contact Profiles will be available in the coming weeks.

  1. What's on a Volume Report?
    1. Quick Facts
    2. Summary
    3. Transactions
    4. Map
    5. Originators & Agents Relationships
    6. Lenders
    7. Title Companies
    8. Employment History
    9. Team
  2. Using Filters


What's on a Volume Report?

Quick Facts provide you with a quick glance at the most important metrics. Quick Facts will update as you apply filters to a Volume Report such as Date Range, Transaction Type or Loan Type. 


💡When viewing a Real Estate Agent's profile you'll find the Market (City & State) indicator which displays the general area and size of this Agent's territory based on the location of their closed transactions and listings.



On the Summary page, you will find additional metrics including Total Volume/Units, Market Volume, Monthly Production, Product and Transaction percentages, Top Title, Top Lenders, Top Originators, Top Counties, and Buyer and Seller Side Volume.

You can switch between Volume or Units on charts such as the Total Volume, Buyer or Seller Side, and Market Volume charts, by simply clicking on the Volume/Units icon located in the upper right corner of the chart.


🧠 You should know the Buyer Side and Seller Side Volume metrics will show you two different metrics - Total (on top) and Financed (bottom). Financed Volume are all transactions that have been associated with mortgage transaction.

👍 A good rule of thumb is to provide at least 20 days on average before a mortgage transaction is associated with a Real Estate transaction. 

You have the option to expand the metrics for comparing volume or units based on different date ranges. The comparison charts will utilize the date range you selected for the report and compare the volume or units with data from the previous period.

For example, if you set a Trailing 6 Months timeframe for your volume report, the comparison will analyze the data from the previous 6 months. Hover over points on the chart to compare month to month. 


Hover and click on the Top Originators (or Buyer Agents), Lenders, Title and Counties charts to jump to each page for additional data. At this time, each chart will show you the Top Lender, Title Company, Buyer Agent, County or Originator (buyer side) according to the amount of wallet share. 



The Transactions page displays all transactions for any date range or additional filters that you have applied to the Volume Report.

You can customize the transaction table using the Table Settings option. To reorder columns simply click and drag the column to the place you wish it to appear.



You can also choose to either remove or lock columns in the Table Settings options or by clicking on the "Lock" icon in the header of each column. When you lock a column, it will stay on the far left of the table and remain in place as you scroll horizontally.


🧠 You should know that you are able to lock multiple columns to keep those columns in place as your scroll. 

You can export transactions using the "Export" option. At this time, you have two options to export transactions, CSV or Excel. The following columns are available:

  • Status
  • Broker
  • Lender 
  • Loan company 
  • Transaction Date
  • Sold Date
  • Sold Price
  • Mortgage
  • Loan Originator
  • Title Company
  • Street Address
  • City 
  • State 
  • County
  • Zip Code
  • Listing Agent
  • Buyer Agent
  • Buyer Agent Company
  • Buyer Name
  • Seller Name
  • Down Payment
  • List Price
  • List Date
  • Transaction Type
  • Loan Type

⭐ Transaction Exports are available on all Premium accounts. If available, Admins are able to upgrade their account on your Company Settings page or contact our Support Team at support@modelmatch.com.

Use the search bar to search for transactions by address, city, state, loan originator, buyer agent, employer, loan company, lender or title company


The map gives you a bird's eye view of any originator or real estate agent's territory and understand how localized their business is. Gain clear insights into their market reach and regional activity.

💡Use the Volume Report Filters to filter transactions you're viewing on the map. It's the perfect way to visualize where certain transactions are taking place.


Originators & Agent Relationships

The Originators and Agent's pages shows you the Originator's or Agent's involved in this Real Estate Agent or Originator's transactions - on the buyer or seller side of every transactions. Use the dropdown located at the top of the table to view Originator's or Agents on any side of the transaction or a list of all relationships. 



Wallet Share provides insight into the amount of business each originator has secured with a specific Real Estate Agent. The bold number at the top displays the total volume, units, and average loan amount of the business captured by this Originator with the Real Estate Agent. The lighter number at the bottom showcases the Originator's total volume, units, and average loan amount in comparison.


💡When filters are applied to the Volume Report the amount of volume, units and average loan amount will update according to the matching transactions.

⭐ For instance, if you want to see exactly which Originator's this Real Estate Agent prefers for first time home buyers simply filter the report by "FHA".

When viewing an Originator's Agent relationships you'll have access to see the amount of Real Estate Agents they work with on either the buyer side or seller side. 


Referral Conversion Rate is a great way to better understand how the likely hood that this Originator or Agent will use the same referral partner more than once. For instance, if this Originator works with a greater number of Real Estate Agents and receives only 1 unit per Agent on average they will have a lower referral conversion rate.


Lenders is where you'll come to see which Lenders this Originator is sending volume through. 


💡When filters are applied to the Volume Report the amount of volume, units and average loan amount will update according to the matching transactions.

⭐ For instance, if you want to see exactly which Lender this Originator uses for their HELOC business you can apply the HELOC filter and breakdown the HELOC volume sent to each specific Lender. 


Title Companies

The Title Companies page will display every Title Company that is shown on this Originator or Real Estate Agent's transactions so you can quickly see how many orders each Title Company is receiving from their referral partners. 

💡When filters are applied to the Volume Report the amount of volume, units and average loan amount will update according to the matching transactions.

⭐ For instance, if you want to see if a certain Title Company receives an order when a transaction is in a certain market, apply the Market filter!

Employment History

Employment History will show you each company this Originator has been sponsored by. If the Originator was sponsored by multiples companies you will be able to see how much volume they originated with every company. You'll also see their start date and end date with each company. 

💡 Employment History is currently available on Originator profiles only and not yet available when viewing a Real Estate Agent's volume report. 


The Team page will show you any other Originator that hangs their license at the same location as this Originator. If the Originator does not hang their license at a branch location you will be able to jump directly to the Company Volume Report to view additional information. 


Total Team Members tells you the number of Originators that hang their license at this branch location. 

Opportunity Value will show you the total value based on the collective volume of the team at this location.

Total Loans will show you the amount of units this team has originated further adding the Opportunity Value.


Using Filters

Filters allow you to filter almost any page on a Volume Report. At this time you can filter by Market, Transaction Type, Loan Type, Lender, and Loan Officers. 


Any filter that has been applied will remain until you have removed it and be applied to any page where that filter is accepted. You can remove filters by clicking the X next to the filter or alter them by clicking on them. 


💡You should know that filters are sticky! This means they will follow you as you navigate through a volume report once they have been applied. This allows you to continue working through various data points without having to apply the same filter every time.